How to challenge and overthrow the U.S. government (the right way)
Yep, you read that right. Enjoy.
As we enter into the ninth month of Vladimir Putin’s 3-day "Special Military Operation" in Ukraine, the West looks down on Russia with condemnation as the nation’s Ministry of Defense continues to throw drafted bodies at the Donbas meat curtain. Russian casualties mount daily at a startling rate from daily reports, surmounting to between 60,000-80,000 soldiers and contractors, which add to the unsustainable loss of resources and supplies inflicted upon a military that has historically been counted among some of the largest in the world.
In their land’s defense, the people of Ukraine has demonstrated their resolve (albeit with massive help from the U.S., North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] and its allies) to indefinitely halt Russia’s invasion of Kyiv, and ensue continued mostly effective military operations in the now-contested eastern region. With heavy fighting at the front and heavy artillery strikes in major Ukrainian cities, as much as 16,000 civilian casualties reported, and rising, since the beginning of the conflict- a horrific display of carnage that is more accessible than ever before to view by people all over the world with access to internet technology.
The U.S. government continues to voice its unequivocal bipartisan support for Ukraine by sending its military over 90 billion in funding and rallying the cause for justice through State media and the usual suspects of MSM outlets. Many Americans fly the yellow and blue flag of Ukraine in unison with Old Glory in support of its people. Russia’s military aggression raises universal concern of escalated tensions between the East and Western NATO Allies, including the increasing fear of nuclear war. America’s apparent proxy war with Russia, exasperated by the 2014 military coup in Ukraine, shows little sign of deceleration with meneal effort from either side.
On the world stage, there’s been a clear designation of the ‘good’ and ‘evil’ narrative, which, on its face, comfortably paints Russia as the aggressor, and Ukraine the helpless defender. The lack of nuance and thoughtfulness concerning the raging war, propagated by international conflict that goes beyond the Ukraine, has driven humanity to the closest point of nuclear and world disaster since The Cold War- and not enough people are talking about the why.
Focussing specifically on our domestic soil, the U.S. is fully aware of the current level of tension between itself, American counterparts and the Russian Federation. The duality of diplomatic efforts previously seen between countries has waned, and Putin’s illegal war shadows the questions that many have already tried to ask: How did we get here, and how do we get out of here?
Of course, the answer is always complicated, and digresses to the whole point of this article. There is no simple answer, which is why it becomes increasingly important to remain objective with anything in the sociopolitical sphere, and also as a general rule in life. Speaking to a broader point of nuance and objectivity with current events, the instance of Russia/Ukraine is simply an upfront, at-ready example of divisive politics as Americans disagree on the level of support their government is offering Ukraine, in terms of federal funding. What questions can we ask that may help lead to having a better understanding of this conflict in particular, and where do the answers lead?
What were Putin’s grounds for invasion?
Did the U.S.-backed coup set a precedent, and disqualify the term ‘unprovoked’?
Should Russia’s nuclear arsenal be taken seriously? (Seriously?)
Does President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s war-time ban on opposing parties question the justification that the U.S. is funding Ukraine’s war over the threat on ‘democracy’?
Should the Federal Reserve be audited? (for so many reasons)
These five related questions open up such a large can of worms that it would be possible to cover all of the angles in one sitting. Hopefully, the available answers lead to more questions- and down the rabbit hole you go. The purpose of this article is to not present a one-size-fits-all solution, because it doesn’t exist (and rarely does with foreign policy), but attempts to compel the reader to recognize the overtones of the conflict, examine the history of U.S affairs, and how to react accordingly.
On September 12, 2001, the then-presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party Harry Browne shared a letter that was met with a whirlwind of scrutiny and criticism. He surmised that while what Osama Bin Laden and Al Quad-a’s act of terrorism on 9/11 was horrific and unforgivable, it was not unexpected, nor does it absolve the U.S. leaders of their responsibility for engaging in illegal acts in the Middle East, thereafter. Today, most common-sense Americans can now safely agree, and much of the evidence speaks for itself. Not to mention the immense war profiteering by U.S. military contractors can be plainly seen. Simply put, America has a dark history of warmongering.
In the case of coup de ta’s, government toppling and nation building, the U.S. government undoubtedly has blood on their hands. We can look at all sides, including our own. America has historically been viewed as the “good guy”, the savior, the beacon of light, and the cause for truth, liberty and democracy. But, as we look a little bit deeper, thanks to the passing of time and the Freedom of Information Act (FIOA), it doesn’t take long to find the declassified rap sheet of corrupt and insane operations carried out by the CIA between the 1950’s-70’s. Let’s not forget about the Gulf of Tonkin incident during the Vietnam era, or Iran contra drug trafficking in the 80’s under the Reagan Administration. And on it goes. Need I say more?
Big countries will always attack smaller countries on some justified basis. Post WWII, the United States of America has intervened militarily in almost every country of the world minus 3, for one reason or another. When you’re a superpower you have to play chess with the world, and a few pawns require sacrifice to checkmate the king. The problem is that sometimes the king doesn’t need to be taken, and sometimes the king can’t be taken, but many pawns will still be wiped from the board during the attempt. Check, check, checkmate.
Back to Russia and Ukraine. We see the daily headlines, the funding, the black and white viewpoints, and the pressers by military and National Defense Secretaries. Upon his visit to Kyiv, former Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson reportedly advised Zelenskyy to “be pressured, not negotiated with”. All Western aims and intentions are always confetti’d with buzzwords and talking points relating to the veneer of supposed liberty, human rights and individual freedom that is enjoyed by American citizens daily, while the State will continue to do as it pleases behind the curtain as the 2-Party show happens up front. Dog shit with sprinkles is still dog shit. The same antics ensue today, and the innocent continue to suffer.
So, what am I asking? How do we enact change, or at least inform the general population of all of the details, however unpopular or ugly? Educating the general population is one thing, but what do we do with the knowledge at hand? Well, we have two options: 1) Overthrow the U.S. government backed by the greatest military that the world has ever seen and subject its people to possible tyranny and anarchy, or 2) exercise inalienable voting rights.
Methinks we all agree on number 2.
As American culture and politics seem to creep down a continual slope of polarization, more and more self-identified patriots, activists, non-binaries and nationalists alike encourage the nation to get out and vote. I couldn’t agree more with this sentiment, and applaud the culture shift taking place (with hope that the fringes also chill out). We MUST vote- on the local level, the state level and the federal level. Vote! Not only must we vote, we must be educated on who we’re voting for and what the candidates represent. While there’s no such thing as a perfect voting system, and career politicians will blow smoke and butterflies up the average Joe’s arse to earn an endorsement, the only way to enact real change on behalf of the American people is to critically and carefully vote in and out the right and wrong leaders.
Will we ever see term limits? Perhaps not, which is why in addition to actively voting in U.S. elections, it’s also important to identify and watch pundits and lobby groups like hawks. Money talks, so let’s pressure it down the right channels via meaningful social and political activism, with a dash of civil disobedience. While the Constitution stands, the people still have a voice. Let’s start by examining our government’s domestic and foreign affairs, and how we treat other governments and their people. If the United States of America is to be a continuing beacon of hope to the world, we have to do better. Domestic social activism means absolutely nothing if governments continue to treat their pawns like they’re expendable. Let’s overthrow the government by installing new leaders on behalf of the American people the way our Founding Fathers intended.
Thanks for reading. Now, go and get inspired.